When deciding what you should do about your unplanned pregnancy, you may have many different questions. As women consider their options, one common question is “Will my child still love me if I choose adoption?”
You may be worried that if you choose adoption, your child will not understand your choice to make an adoption plan. One reason main reason you may feel this fear is because you think your child would never know you. You may fear that this will cause them to be angry with you about your decision.
Showing your love through an open adoption
The reality is, your child likely will have some questions, but when you have an open adoption, you can answer those questions for your child. Open adoption means that you can have a continued relationship with your child throughout their life. Through this relationship, you can explain why adoption was the right decision for your child and communicate your love and deep affection for your child. You can continue to see your child grow and enjoy life.
As you work to make an adoption plan, it is important to give yourself grace. Making an adoption plan is a difficult decision, a brave decision, and something that takes effort. Making an intentional adoption plan is not “giving up”. It is good that you are thinking about what your child may feel as they grow up. This is something you can plan for by choosing an open adoption.
Adoption, a loving decision
The choice to choose parents for your child is a caring and loving choice. It takes bravery and love to place a child for adoption. Through open adoption, you can continually share and show your love for your child. Children have a lot of love to give and your relationship with you can grow throughout their life.