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Are you pregnant and feel like you don’t want your baby? Do the resources in your community seem scarce? Do you feel like your support system is lacking? Do you have goals for yourself that don’t include keeping your baby? Is your experience with adoption only through the lens of foster care?

Unplanned Pregnancies Can Be Overwhelming

Experiencing an unplanned pregnancy can feel overwhelming, especially when you don’t feel ready to be a parent. Abortion can have unwanted side effects, and adoption isn’t talked about a lot. So what is your next step? Keep reading to learn about how to make an adoption plan and what resources are available to help.

An Adoption Plan Give You Options

If you found yourself nodding your head to any of those questions above, you’ve come to the right place to get in touch with a pregnancy counselor. A pregnancy counselor will explain what adoption could look like for you and help you understand what it looks like to choose parents for your baby and stay connected to him or her if that’s what you desire. They can help you explain your decision to your friends and family and walk you through any other pregnancy choices you’re considering.

Pregnancy Counselors Can Help

Meeting with a pregnancy counselor can seem scary, but her job is simply to listen. Pregnancy counselors want to help you make the best decision for yourself and your baby without putting any difficult pressure on you. So, if you don’t want to parent, but you’re not sure you can choose adoption for your child, talk with a pregnancy counselor. The circumstances may seem overwhelming, but a pregnancy counselor will answer your questions so you’re not in the dark. It is possible to make an informed decision for you and your baby.

“There are people to walk with you, no matter what.”

Kenesha's Adoption Story